Friday, November 30, 2012

We moved! + Christmas Sneak Peak

Oh my gosh!!! Can you believe December is tomorrow?? I cannot even believe it! This year flew by super fast, especially when you are a blogger, it's crazy how constant blogging can make the year fly, and not to mention having a wild toddler on the run. I am panicking because I like my mother, usually have all of my Christmas decor by Thanksgiving, and this year was way crazy! Like I had mentioned earlier, we are moving. Well, we were scheduled to move in the middle of December, luckily everything worked out super nice for us, the Lord has really blessed us. So we got to move up last Tuesday. Well, most of our stuff anyway, here a few snapshots of the new place.
I apologize for the horrible quality phone pics. It was a quick move and had to move fast!

Our square footage is sooo much more comfortable, and our kitchen has tons of storage space that I am in love with!

We have a dining room now!!!

And the living room totally rocks! Except the paint, you may have noticed it too. We will have to paint it in the coming weeks. So much to do, so little time!

Just a little preview of our new rental. We couldn't be happier, it's exactly what we needed and our Heavenly Father has really blessed us with amazing landlords who we trust, and whom we love.
Now here is a little preview of what I have been working on the last day, I will be posting some of my Christmas projects next week, I am so excited now, because I will be able to decorate for Christmas, what a wonderful time of the year!

After the move I got so sick, along with my little toddler, we have been in bed with much needed rest, medicines, and lots and lots of tissue. Sad day! That has kept me from blogging this week. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and be sure to stop by next week for the reveal of my Christmas projects! Yay!


Monday, November 26, 2012

{Nolan's Tiny Nursery} Down Memory Lane

I hope everyone is having a happy Cyber Monday. I know I am. You gotta love those Cyber Deals.

So I was looking through some of my old pictures, and I came accross my baby's first Nursery. Back when we used to live in a one bedroom studio at my parents. Good times, and tight times. Haha, it's the memories that count. Check out how cute the space was though, we were so excited, as soon as we found out what we were having we started buying, little man clothes, picking out colors. This was probably my very first time putting a room together. It turned out so cute, of course my taste for things has evolved so much. But this is what it looked like.

We used a curtain as a divider for this very long and narrow room. One half was ours, the other half was our tiny Nursery. Aww the memories!

This gorgeous craddle was made by my Father in Law. He is so talented with wood. Can you believe this is all hand made? And the cute bumper made specifically to fit, by my Mother in Law. They are both so talented and so very sweet! They even shipped it all the way from Arkansas to us here in Utah.  I love it so much. This bassinet will be in our family for generations to come.

Jogging stroller, and some of my very favorite baby clothes!

Thank you so much for visiting! Hope you enjoyed my tiny Nursery.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! It was such a fun filled day. My family has a fun tradition, every Thanksgiving morning we get together for have a yummy breakfast, my dad makes us all breakfast, we eat while watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade. Afterwards, we all have fun checking out all of the awesome Black Friday sales. We love this tradition because we all get together throughout the day and spend time together.
For Thanksgiving dinner we all bring side dishes. I wish I would have taken pictures of my yummy sweet potatoes and delicious Lemony Asparagus I made this year. Hmm...it was all soo good! Not to mention my mom's turkey, we don't eat stuffing you see. Instead, my mom makes this amazing pork filling with lots of fruits and vegetables. Next year baby! I was so bad at taking pictures this year. Forgive me!
My sister made the yummy pie, hmmm she is such a great baker!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!



Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Banana Bread Recipe + DIY Ornament Ideas

Oh my gosh! Thanksgiving is in two days! Can you believe it?? I haven't decorated, and I've nothing Autummy to show, there is a reason why. We are moving!! Yes we are moving, AGAIN. I hate packing, carrying, making all the trips, re-organizing, re-arranging, etc. In the middle of the holidays!!
Fortunately, we aren't moving too far. As I have mentioned before, we reside in a basement apartment. So, we are moving upstairs! Yay!! More space, more light, and the trips upstairs won't be too bad. We are super stoked, our move will be in mid December. That is why I haven't particularly been showing any pictures of my Christmas decor. First of all we are moving, and second of all, there is no point in decorating if I'm going to have to move them again in a couple of weeks. So that is why we haven't decorated for Christmas, sad! But we will have our Christmas tree put up in no time, and since we are getting a new tree, we couldn't be more happy and excited.

My post today consists of the easiest and yummiest Banan Bread recipe ever! And ideas on DIY ornaments. I have been seeing so many fun ideas out there, I want to share some. All these bloggers are putting up their Christmas trees and making their own ornaments, makes me want to do it so badly! But I won't be able to do too much this year, it's ok, next year will be amazing!

Banana Bread for Thanksgiving anyone? Click on the picture to learn how to make. Super easy, super fun!

 DIY: Ornament Galore



Thank you so much for visiting today! I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving with all of your loved ones. Many blessings to all.


Friday, November 16, 2012

{Nolan's Room Reveal}

Happy Friday! Well, this has been one of those busy weeks as ever. And although I did not post anything last Wednesday, I have lots of fun projects coming up next month. It's no surprise having so much to do, and fun crafts for the Holiday Season. Can you believe Thanksgiving in next week? I can hardly believe it myself. This year flew by faster than a speeding bullet! Wow!

So today I am going to share with you, my friends, my little toddler's bedroom. Perhaps you remember his closet was featured on IheartOrganizing. If not, click on the link and check it out. It was such a pleasure and honor to have had the privilage of being featured at Jen's blog. She is so talented!

So we still have quite a few things we need and will continue to work on, in Nolan's room. It's not completely finished yet, but than again we are never finished, and progresss continues. So without further due, welcome to Nolan's Bedroom.

Some Art provided by Mommy (Me)

This part is still in progress, but Nolan still loves it!And I am in love with this table lamp!

Nolan's Yummy Closet

I love my little Monster's room. It's fun, colorful, and laid back. Nolan will be getting a big boy's bed soon. I'll keep you updated on that!
Thank you so much for visiting today. Have a super fun weekend.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Organization: Belt Control

Good Monday! Today I though I'd share how I organize my belts. I don't have many belts, my husband takes up most of the space for our belt area. But first,  I thought I'd show how other people organize their belts.
Use a vintage box with compartments, used for soda!
This girl made her own His Station
(how cool!)

Drawer divider (IKEA anyone?)

If you have lots and lots of belts, we wise and use a drawer. I love it!

If you are super tight in space, get a belt hanger, works like a charm!

And this is how I organize my belts!
Found this super cool compartment organizer at TJ Maxx for $6 bucks!

Thanks for joining me today. Please share how you organize your belts!