Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A Very Whimsical 1st. Birthday!

My little baby turned 1, on May 19, 2012. Oh my gosh, time sure does fly. It's crazy how for 9 months (well technically 10) baby is in our womb, growing, expanding, he is being created in such a beautiful, and mysterious way, it's a miracle really. Sometimes it feels like an eternity having baby growing inside our tummies. Once out though, time flies like no other.



The Cousins!

Auntie, Cousins, & Friends

Happy 1st. Birthday Nolan, Mommy & Daddy Love you!

For his 1st. Birthday party, I decided no themes! As we don't yet know what his passions or likes are at 1. I am not a big theme party person anyway, so I decided to go for some whimsey. The reason I chose whimsical, is because long story short, when I was a single gal my favorite colors were black and white, I loved black and white, but when I got married my husband introduced my passion for blues, aquas, and grays, he brought some color into my life, and I loved it! After Nolan was born, he became the color inside of my world. I'm a fool for color, and patterns, and textures, he just colored my heart all over.

So what perfect way to express my love for Nolan, than to throw a very Whimsical Party. Here are some of my ideas I want to share with you.


My Sister made the Birthday Cake. Isn't she amazing?

Personalized Favors

 Juice Boxes with Cases & Cheerful Party Hats

Thanks for "Breezing By"

We had a wonderful time with our friends and family.
 Thank you for visiting today.


  1. You did an ABSOLUTELY amazing job on his party! I love the decor, colors, and all the special touches you obviously worked so hard on! I also adored all of those sweet pictures! He is precious. Congrats on a great party, you've created so many great memories for him and your family.

  2. Aww thank you so much for all the sweet compliments, I love all the colors too. It was truly so much fun :)

  3. I love all of the colors and the flag banner - in love! Your sister did a great job on the cake too! Looks like you guys had a blast :)


    1. Aww Thank you Dawn, it was so much fun. sigh...so much color, love it too!
