Friday, August 17, 2012

{Inside My Drawers}

It's Friday!!! Yay!!!! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, because I know that I will.

Ok guys, it's time to show you inside my drawers, being a professional organizer it is up to me to set an example, so I thought today I would take you inside my drawers, yes my drawers. I have nothing to hide and nothing to be embarassed about, hehe. Check it out!

First of all, drawe dividers are a must!

But lets face it, who pays $17.99 for 1 box or 1 divider?? Not I!!!
So for those who are looking for a budget friendly solution to organizing your drawers, I have 2 awesome solutions!!

I love these super cool fabric dividers that are only $7.99 for 6 at IKEA!

You know those really cool boxes you get at the department store whenever you buy an outfit or a sweater? Well, don't throw them away! Re-use them! I do, they work the exact same way as any store bought divider. And it's free. I love the fact that these boxes serve a multi-purpose solution, not only are you saving those pennies on dividers, but are also being eco-friendly!

 My drawers!

We have a dresser that has 8 compartments, naturally the hubs and I share. Lets take a look at HIS side.


Shorts and my Lounging pants.

Work Shirts and T-Shirts

Check out My Side!



Work Out Clothes

Did you notice I don't do the traditional fold? Why? Because you want to be able to do 2 things.

1. You want to utilize as much space as possible, to be able to fit as much as possible in a comfortable way.

2. You also want to be able to see exactly what you have. If you fold in a way where you can see all the colors, and all of your shirts by just opening up your drawers, choosing what to wear will be so much easier! Rather than the traditional fold where you stack shirts on top of eachother.

I love my Drawers!

Thanks for Stopping by Today friends. Have a fun weekend!


1 comment:

  1. Love your organization! Bobby will be after me to do the same. Wish you lived closer to help me. Love You! Deb
