Monday, December 24, 2012

{Making Christmas} Part 6: Last Minute Homemade Gift

Well, it's that time of year, when we look out the window and see beautiful white streets, and white  roof tops, white trees, and snowflakes galore. I love it when Christmas Eve is filled with so much Christmas cheer and people's homes full of cars, the Christmas trees with presents under the tree, and most of all, all of the nativities in people's homes, and in Temple Square (if you live in Utah you know what I mean). Christmas is a time to reflect, upon the last year, and how time manages to fly past us without us noticing. Our children grow so fast, and we don't even realize it until someone else points it out, my he sure has grown! A time to forgive, and realize our Maker who is greater than us all, forgives men, so who are we to not forgive also.

This Christmas I hope you are all blessed with the Spirit of Christmas, and remember the true meaning of this special day. Our dear Savior was born, and the sheperds ran to tell the people, while the crippled lamb layed next to the baby to keep him warm. The three wise men came to see their King, Oh what a marvelous night that might have been, if only I had been there to witness it. What a humble place he was born in, it really makes me feel very blessed to know our Heavenly Father loves us so much, that he sent his only begotten son, to die for us, but first, to be born and live among us, to teach us, and love us. I am so grateful this Christmas for that wonderful baby, Mary carried in her womb. I hope we all remember that Christmas is not about the Presents, but his Presence.

This brings me to my last minute gifts, just finished making some yummy home made Banana Bread, for the recipe <click here> I love making things and giving them to friends, neighbors, and of course, family!

I love the smell of Banana Bread in the morning.
And presents under the Tree...
I look out the window and what do I see? Popcorn popping on the apple tree...
I love Christmas Cards!
Wow, it has been such a crazy busy week, but somehow I managed to get lots done.
I wish you all very Merry Christmas, I am greateful for you all, my followers, thank you for your support, and for your visits, thank you for insipiring me to keep blogging.
The Hanson's

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