Thursday, January 31, 2013

DIY: Paint Swatches for Valentines Day Gifts

Oh what a beautiful Friday it is today! Who is ready for the weekend? i used to always look forward to the weekends, because it all started on Friday's for me. Since i started working from home, it feels like my weekends start on Monday's. Seeing that i work on the weekends from home, it has turned my world upside down. But i love it, i love my job.

So can you believe Valentine's day is just in a couple of weeks? Boy, time is flying this year. Since Valentine's day is just around the corner, today i wanted to show you a little project i worked on over (my weekend) it's super simple, and cute. All i used was, paint swatches, i have tons, a heart shape puncher, which you can get in any craft store, i used my coupon so i got it for 50% off! yay!! And a simple frame, got mine at IKEA.

My little Handsome Man loves this puncher

Ta Da!

What do you think? It's quick, it's simple, and so cute. I made one for each of my sister's. I love V-day. The decorations and colors are sooo girly, and sooo sweet! 
I love using paint swatches, as you can tell, i have used them for various things, hehe.
Thanks for stopping by, and have a terrific weekend!


  1. OMG I really love it...
    finally I know how to disappear my biggest paint palettes from bear. haha my dad have a lot in my house.

    1. Thank you Monserrath! I love doing crafts with paint swatches! And it's FREE!

