Thursday, October 17, 2013

DIY: Halloween Wreath

Can you believe it's almost Halloween already? How quick the fall came, and how fun will this year be with the holidays just around the corner. I am so in the mood for Halloween, just in time! Here is a little SWEET project for ya'll to try. It's simple, it's cute, and so cheap! I love to decorate my home with foods during the holiday. Not just foods, but Candy in particular, it's so festive and so full of fun. The kids get so excited, which makes you even more excited.
You will need the following:
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Next wrap the black tape all around the wreath like so...
Than let the hot gluing begin! This can take a little while, so be patient. But so worth it in the end.
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And Voila!



I love the pop of color! The candy corn look sooo DELICIOUS!



Are you ready for Halloween yet? Share some Halloween spirit, send me your pictures or links of your favorite Halloween projects!

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