Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Organization: J'Adore Jewelery

Hello again!!!

I know...I know... I have completely neglected all of my friends! Please forgive, there are so many things that have been going on, it's no excuse to just leave you out of the blue. I was promoted at work, and a crazy little Toddler, some health issues, had a little scare last month. I guess you can say, life got in the way of my blogging. I love to blog, and to share all of my projects, having people stop by to admire my work, truly makes me love and motivates me to keep doing it. I truly appreciate all of the support I receive from everyone that follows. Well, that being said, now that I have come back again, for the third time (embarrassing) I have some projects I would like to share with you.  

Now that spring is the air...literally! I have been itching to compliment my makeup station, the one I shared a while back? with my new Jewelry Station.


Lately I have been obsessed with Acrylic organizers, why not?  Obsession Alert! They're fun and chic and see through (what better way to display treasures?) girly, glamarous and timeless! I love them!

See what I mean?

Aren't these bowls lovely? Got em at Anthropologie, and the fish too!
I love jewelry, and honestly I used to collect and never wear. Why? Because I never used to see it. Now that it's on display, I know what I have, and I wear what I want.
I cannot get enough of the pull out drawers!
I love how colorful it looks. So cheeky!
Doesn't it compliment the makeup just fabulous?
Talk about Beauty Stations, this one is my absolute favorite!

What do you think?
Thank you so much for paying a visit. Now go and glam up your jewels!


  1. Looks great! I would love it if you joined and contribute your awesome posts at my link party at City of Creative Dreams on Fridays :D Hope to see you there at City of Creative Dreams Link Party.

    1. Thank you Creative Dream! I will most definitely share at your link party, thanks for the invite :)
