Tuesday, May 27, 2014

DIY: Pail turned Basket in 15 minutes

Hi all! Today I want to share the easiest project of my life yet!

So for Mother's day my hubs gave me the most beautiful Calla Lilly Pot. Honestly I didn't have a pot to put it in, and I didn't want to keep it in a paper pot. So I went shopping in my garage, and I found this cool looking metal pail, just the perfect size for my project. Now, as you may know, natural and simple is the way to go, to create a charming and classic look in your home. So I had been scheming this project for a while, the time just never came.

photo 1
 I already had the rope. Wanted to give it the basket effect.

photo 3

So than I proceeded to take off the handle, piece of cake!

photo 4

 I tried this crazy glue the EZ6000, that didn't do anything, but made me paranoid about the strong smell, nearly got high off this. So I decided to go back to my trustee ol hot glue gun, I didn't think it would work, but to my surprised it was exactly what I needed.

photo 1 (1)

Nearly finished! Doesn't it look like basket weave? sort of?

photo 3 (1)

And for the finishing touch, I cut two identical sizes, for the decorative handles.
photo 2 (1)

photo 5 (1)

And the finished product! Seriously it only took 15 minutes.


I just love how it looks like a little basket. It looks so organic.



What do you think?


Thanks for stopping by, now go and create something!

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