Friday, June 22, 2012

Easiest Banana Bread Recipe Ever!

Here is a quick and super easy Banana Bread recipe for the weekend. Enjoy!
I am no baker, I will be honest, I am no cook. In fact, I am not a big fan of the kitchen, you might say I have kitchen phobia. Seriously, I am always lost whenever I'm in the kitchen, I love kitchens, I love them to death, and one day hope to have a beautiful and big kitchen, but when it comes to cooking, I am not the right person for it. I feel like Lenguini, I wish I had a tiny chef on my head that told me what to do.

So that aside, I found the easiest Banana bread recipe ever!!! on Thifty Decor Chick blog When I say easy, I mean easy! I have never made bread before, it all sounds complicated. The measurements, the ingredients, the timing, the mixing, honestly sounds hard. But this recipe was incredibly easy!!! And So good!


4 riped Bananas
1 Egg
1 1/2 cups of Flour
1 teaspoon of Vanilla
1 teaspoon of Baking Soda
A pinch of Salt
1/3 cup of melted Butter
1 cup of Sugar
A pinch of Cinnamon

First you will need to smash the bananas
Second add the melted butter.

 Third, add the egg, vanilla, and sugar. Mix.

Fourth, you want to add the baking soda, salt and cinnamon. Mix.

 Last, add the flour.

My mother in-law taught me an old fashion trick, if you don't have any pan spray, use butter instead, this way nothing sticks! Works everytime for me.

Add cinnamon on top of bread. For extra yummyness! 
Bake at 375 degrees for 1 hour. Your house will smell divine!!

Bon Apetite!

I have made it twice now, such an easy recipe!! Thank you Thirfty Decor Chick.


  1. We looove banana bread and I seem to get to make it pretty often since my kids swear that they will eat the bananas I buy and then don't, then they are brown and I have to make bread. :) I will definitely try out your recipe!

    Here is a super- easy- yummy recipe for peanut butter cookies:
    1 cup peanut butter, 1 egg, 1 cup sugar. That's it!!! Mix together, roll into balls, do the criss-cross thing with a fork, 350 degrees for about 7-8 minutes. Perfect peanut butter cookies. Let me know if you try them!!!

    1. Thank you so much for this extremely easy recipe, even I can do this! WOw! I am trying this tonight, and will have to post pictures of this. Thanks so much.
