Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Happy Halloween Everyone!

I know I'm a bit late, ok maybe pretty late. This Halloween was exactly as we wanted and planned it to be. We could have gone to Halloween parties, or trick-or-treated with all of our friends. This year we wanted a very relaxing Halloween day/night. Luckily it was Aaron's day off, so we got to stay home, and relax, plus the weather was beautiful!

We had a very yummy dinner.

Than off trick-or-treating! Nolan is only 17 months young, so we decided the mall will do this year. He loved it, and ran around the department stores like crazy!

My little Mini Giraffe held his candy bag very close.

When we got back, we had lots of sweets, Nolan was in heaven!

Kids really do make holidays more fun! I love seeing a smile on my little man. I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween. Have a spooky night!

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