Monday, November 26, 2012

{Nolan's Tiny Nursery} Down Memory Lane

I hope everyone is having a happy Cyber Monday. I know I am. You gotta love those Cyber Deals.

So I was looking through some of my old pictures, and I came accross my baby's first Nursery. Back when we used to live in a one bedroom studio at my parents. Good times, and tight times. Haha, it's the memories that count. Check out how cute the space was though, we were so excited, as soon as we found out what we were having we started buying, little man clothes, picking out colors. This was probably my very first time putting a room together. It turned out so cute, of course my taste for things has evolved so much. But this is what it looked like.

We used a curtain as a divider for this very long and narrow room. One half was ours, the other half was our tiny Nursery. Aww the memories!

This gorgeous craddle was made by my Father in Law. He is so talented with wood. Can you believe this is all hand made? And the cute bumper made specifically to fit, by my Mother in Law. They are both so talented and so very sweet! They even shipped it all the way from Arkansas to us here in Utah.  I love it so much. This bassinet will be in our family for generations to come.

Jogging stroller, and some of my very favorite baby clothes!

Thank you so much for visiting! Hope you enjoyed my tiny Nursery.

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