Monday, December 10, 2012

Organization: Office Maxx Update

Happy Jolly Monday all! Welcome to another day of Delicious Spaces. Do you remember a few months back, I helped one of my sister's in law with her awesome office Maxx Space? Well, we have done some updates. Check out the before picture.
 Top Shelf was unfinished, now it's done! Tada!

We made some super cute and colorful labels with washi tape!

Color cordination with some cool tape, and matching filing boxes!

We also organized some of her office drawers.





And check out her awesome Mailing system we created over the weekend. Such a cute box!

Don't you love all this organization? I adore it!! It makes me want to tackle more of my own projects, especially now since we recently moved. We have so much more space, beyond our imagination really, I am going crazy.
I haven't mentioned this to you, my readers, yet, but I recently got accepted to a job that I applied, and I am starting work training this week, it's so excting, I will be working from home after my six week training is up. I am hoping that everything runs smoothly, so I wanted to let you all know, I am going to be just a tad bit busier with my training, that I will be a little bit minimal on my future posts. I will miss blogging 2 to 3 times weekly, I love it. But for the next 6 weeks, I hope you all hang on tight, and keep reading. I am not going anywhere, I am just going to be a little slow on my posts. Thank you so much for your patience, for your support, it means so much to me. I love having followers that support me, I appreciate every single one of you, and I can't wait for training to be over because next month, some amazing announcements and amazing projects are coming up. Stay tuned!
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  1. I love the mail area, 'cause I use frequently the mail and I always have everything in different places

    1. Hi Monserrath , I think the mail box system is wonderful as well. It helps with organization. Thank you for visiting my blog.

      Ps I love your name :)
