Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Beauty Station: from Blah to Glam!

I never used to display my makeup, I used to only carry it in a makeup baggie, I'm not very high maintenance you see, and I've always considered myself a minimalist. Keeping spaces neat, clean, with not very many things popping everywhere. Lately though, I've been feeling giddy and eager to show off my girly and luxurious side off.

These makeup spaces are so glamorous and fun, and oh so organized!

Why not? I've always loved the way girly things make a vanity look, I just always avoided crowdedness, and too much pop. But I just love these products so much, I finally decided to do it.

Still, it didn't look as glam and romantic as I was craving, so I took it to the next level, and I DIY a very delicious Tray.

What do you think? Doesn't it look more glamorous?
I just love the way this Tray makes my beauty space look, it adds so much luxury.

If you would like to learn how to DIY this gorgeous tray, click <here>

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