Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Pantry Re-do

Ok, so this weekend I went back to my Sister In-Law's house to help her do another organization project. This time, we tackled her pantry. Check it out!

This is what her pantry used to look like. She has so much stuff, so first we decluttered, and threw out all of the expired food.

 This is what happened after decluttering and organizing!


 Canned goods, and anything un-opened is on this first shelf.
 She used to have canned goods in different cabinets in her kitchen, now they are all consolidated into one place!
All of her baking ingredients and such are only on this shelf.

Notice how all of the snacks are now seperated in little zip lock baggies, for easy to go grab.

She used to have cleaning supplies in the pantry, so we removed all of that and only placed cleaning rags, and a bin full of plastic containers, and a little container full of crayons, and coloring stuff for her daughter while she is cooking. How clever!

Now everything is organized, in its place, this way it makes it easier for her to know where everything is, and she won't have to go digging in every cabinet just to look for certain ingredients. 

Before & After

Yay, now we can breath! haha, she feels much better now, and so do I. Thanks again Loni.
Stay tuned for next weekend, we are going to tackle her little girls closet! I am super stoked!

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